Inspired by John Kerry’s extraterrestrial performance at the World Economic Forum, former VP Al Gore decided to amp up his own fatigued message by going full Greta “Thundering” Thunberg. Hot-headed Gore flared up in the middle of a panel discussion, pretending he’s so passionate about the importance of inconvenient truths that he just cannot contain himself.
“The world,” he thundered, “is now overheating at a rate of 600,000 Hiroshima bombs of extra heat per day.” This, he claimed is what is “boiling the oceans” and “causing atmospheric rivers.”
Never mind that the atmosphere has always had what meteorologists refer to as “atmospheric rivers” – the well known jet stream being the largest and most pervasive of them -- and never mind that the apparently boiled and blanched Great Barrier Reef has already returned to vibrant health. Gore apparently believes the floating fish that died from hypoxia in algae blooms off the West coast and around Florida actually were boiled to death.
As if the cyclical flooding in California from atmosheric rivers isn’t bad enough, Gore sought to give added storm surge to the floods by claiming global warming is also causing the huge flood of “climate refugees” we see attempting to cross the Mexican border every day to escape the heat! Apparently, their moves have nothing to do anymore with finding hard work for economic enrichment, but are an attempt to find some siesta shade and a working air conditioner. Someone should have warned Gore that his interpretation of the cause may border on racist beliefs that Mexicans don’t work hard and just want a cool place in the US to nap.
The gravest danger of all for the Earth, Gore exclaimed in a fog of projectile spit, is that earth is now warming at a rate of “600,000 Hiroshima bombs per day.” If tweeted back in the days of pre-Musk Twitter, that certainly should have earned a fact-checker warning message whenever viewed on the basis that it clearly downplays the significance of global nuclear holocaust if 600,000 nuclear bombs or missiles blown up in one day would only have changed the world exactly the same amount that it changes anyway in one average day.
No wonder the oceans are boiling if we’re adding well over half a million nuclear explosions worth of heat to them every day.
Gore also stated that this 600,000 atom bombs worth of added heat per day is what is causing the rise of sea levels, never mind that that high water marks on the docks of New York City remain were they were a hundred years ago or that the hundred-year-old Royal Hawaiian Hotel in Waikiki, known as the Pink Palace, originally built almost at sea level on the shoreline where the sand has always run right up to its flat lawn still has as much Waikiki Beach and front lawn between it and the ocean as it had a hundred years ago. Even the beach bar that sits right on the sand hasn’t been moved back to escape the waves.
Gore appeared to be more heated than usual because the climate is not cooperating with the sale of his message, forcing him to turn up the heat of his rhetoric to see if he can melt the ice from uncaring veins. Along with those rivers of atmospheric water Gore was concerned about over California came more snow in one month than California has seen during all three of the previous years combined. Gore did not happen to mention that inconvenient truth. Meteorologists have also noted that the sudden high rainfall after years of drought is a long-term pattern for California … as are cyclical periods of drought.
Maybe California’s problem is that all of its sanctuary cities attract too many “climate-fleeing immigrants,” who inexplicably gravitate to the hottest states, to where California no longer has enough water to service the millions of people it has been adding.
Lying POS
F this old grifting fart.