Headlines say a feeling of doom pervades the elites who are down in attendance this year. The count of private jets flying into Switzerland is descending as well because some of the world’s power brokers at the top of the political pyramid decided to avoid the poor photo optics of attending rich feasts during times of famine. Regardless, the photos of their hyper-hypocrisy — a parking lot of private jets — are still telling.
Even George Soros and possibly the evil Dr. Klaus, himself, won’t be attending, spawning new conspiracy theories about a terrorist act of violent rebellion being planned against the elite. The globalized world has temporarily broken, and the bejeweled corporate cabal must fraternize to fantasize over how to put it back together again … as they are certainly not about to give up their ambitions. So, the topic of the talk is how to re-globalize.
Apparently, Joe Biden's lobster fiasco in which he banned lobster harvesting in the Northeast while providing a lobster feast for dignitaries gathered at the White House gave him pause about backlash from another similar event so soon. So, Biden and several other G7 or G20 style national leaders will also not be dignifying the event with their presence.
Even George Soros and possibly the evil Dr. Klaus, himself, won’t be attending, which has spawned conspiracy theories about a terrorist act of violent rebellion being planned against the elites. Regardless, their private parking lot of jets still speaks of their arrogance in preaching carbon footprints to the rest of the world while creating more carbon for one person on a single flight to Davos than entire families create in a year of driving their multiple cars and mowing their lawns. What matters is that they help us save the world for themselves to enjoy.
Others, of course, are arriving in a long line of luxury automobiles with entourages in separate automobiles when they could be carpooling or taking a bus or taking the public train that runs from the airport to Davos.
That’s just the same ol’, same ol’ for the Davos Dandies
Because the globalized world has broken, the cuban-huffing corporate cabal will fraternize to fantasize in the coming week over how to put the world back together again. Without a doubt the old globalism has cracked in two. President Xi of China will not be attending unless he decides to side closer to the West, which isn’t likely to happen. The WEF is by invitation only, and Putin won’t be getting an invitation again in this lifetime. He’s been dismembered from the club.
They will, however, still be inviting their friends at Davos to join them in the summer at yacht parties and will be coming and going in private jets. They may even have to skate off in their private jet for a quick lunch in Lichtenstein to return in time for the evening plenary session. They will not be eating bugs for lunch; you will. However, they do recognized their global aims have been shattered, so there is much work to be done. All the more need for private jets in order to make the most of every moment.
The theme of their discussion is “cooperation in a fragmented world,” and they will be discussing many topics under that theme.
While many European nations have been forced back to smudgy coal or third-eye-causing nuclear power, they are more concerned about the climate than ever. In fact, with all the extreme weather this year, particularly as demonstrated in California, a new climate term is emerging. The popular term has migrated from “global warming” to “climate change” and now to “climate chaos” to describe what is happening.
Because WEF is an economics forum, the corporate colleagues and old-world bankers with ivy wrapped around their legs will also be discussing the global recession that is spreading. It takes big profits to keep flying into Davos each year and enjoying the caviar and foie gras. They are, of course, terribly concerned about the inequity with which wealth has accumulated, so they will have many talks about that in order to heal their aching guilt.
It is always good to feel like you are actually doing something about it, but their solutions for doing something usually run along the lines of figuring out how the middle class can live with less so the deeply impoverished class can have a little more. They might, for example, have to freeze out your lobster trapping, while making sure some locale in the world retains a readily flyable crop for the Davos dinner … at greater expense, of course, but what is money for but to separate what they eat from what you eat? For you, they will keep developing the ways in which larvae can be processed as a source of protein. (See: “Beetleburgers could soon reach mass production — helping to feed the world.”)
Thank God, for the Beetles; they are the new rock stars of the food world. The Davos davenport crowd are, of course, comfortably couched while deeply concerned about global famine. Their solution requires that less food (such as grain) goes to food, such as cows. So beetles can help save the world while saving enough four-legged steaks to feed the Davos devotees.
Of course, the Davosites are calling for billionaire-busting taxes to help curb the one-sided manner in which 60% of the wealth accumulated in the last two years went to the top 1%. But many of the attendees are the top 1%. They’ve talked about “progressive” tax ideas like this for decades, but whatever plan they come up with always has plenty of loopholes for themselves, or the talk remains talks, as in something to do at an event. Talking is good window-dressing for the masses to help stave off the need for utilizing those bunker mansions for anything more serious than an apocalypse party in New Zealand with a few wealthy friends just to show off the bunker. It’s the new flagrancy to flaunt.
They will have working sessions to help plan things like Gates-style farming for food security because computer geeks know farming better than anyeone, sessions to discuss lessons learned from Covid vaccine rollouts to improve the next time when vaccines must be forced upon the world for health security reasons, genetic innovation of the human species — all the usual stuff they call “social entrepreneurship.”
There will even be a forum to discuss the importance of gun control while surrounded by their own armed security forces.
So, there is plenty that has the Davos crowd practically dowdy looking — not that their shoes and watches aren’t just as shiny but that their smiles aren’t. It’s a serious mood this year, but they’ll weather the global storms and get through. This isn’t their first rodeo:
“I haven’t heard in 30 years being in business of people talking about the recession for so long,” said Christophe Beck, chairman and chief executive officer of Ecolab….
“If you talk to people on Wall Street who are 35 years and younger, they think it’s the end of the world,” Mr. Bergman said. “You talk to people 50 and over, we’ve been through this many times….”
Wage inflation is another major concern for this crowd because too much of that share-the-wealth stuff to avoid the problem of inequitable wealth distribution might actually cause more equitable distribution, which would mean less for the rich.
“Davos was built on the idea that the world was getting better and more global and more honest and more tolerant and the economy worked better because of that,” said Alex Karp, chief executive of Palantir Technologies Inc.
The Davos top tiers are sad that is no longer the world they live in. The global village mob is getting restless, and those bunkers are looking a little less like status symbols and vacation homes, and more like possible primary residences.
Soros says he is not attending due to an “unavoidable scheduling conflict.” Many believe he is now afraid to attend and will be bunkering it out in some paradise of his own.
“You’ll know we’re in deep doo doo, if the plane trackers catch him and his cult brethren flying to their New Zealand bunkers,” @RightKingTodd tweeted in response to the news….
“I think there could be a massive security/terrorist event at Davos this week,” [wrote] Josh Reid, figurehead of the Redpill Project.
There is never a shortage of good conspiracies flowing around Davos, and an elite deleteis certainly something the gatherers have more reason to fear this year than in calmer years.
False flag incoming,” @Jrseeker1963 wrote on Twitter.
Always, the go-to theory in conspiracy circles these days. To counter the newsprung theories about a big delete of Davos planned to stop the global reset, Newsweek noted that, “If Soros were aware of a false-flag operation against the WEF, it would beg the question as to why his son, Alexander, chair of the Open Society Foundations, is attending the conference and has posted about his presence on social media.”
But what if that is just the old double-false flag? Soros’s son pretends he is going to attend Davos, knowing full well he doesn’t dare because of the terrorists, in order to draw in the people Soros & Son knows are plotting to kill them, so those people show up as they are planning so the authorities can capture them and imprison them for Soros’s future safety.
While conspiracy theories are easy to get started and run amok, remember the mere existence of Davos and the Bilderbergers was the stuff of conspiracy theory a few decades ago. Now the reptilians put their audacious plans out on YouTube vidoes and talk openly about how you’ll eat bugs and be happy you have that much to munch. Soon they’ll be shedding their human skins.