“I’m stupid,” said the president, joking, but no one could tell. And then, as if to prove his point, he began to call out, once again, for someone who was not in the room and was not named what the president called out:
The president segued from his thoughts as easily as a melon rolls off the table. He went from talking about asking everyone to be seated in a room with no seats to calling out of the blue for someone named “Doug” who is really named “Don” but was apparently not present anyway … as he had done only a month before when he called out for the ghost of Jackie Walorski to help him turn back to reality:
Biden’s penchant for communicating with presences that are not present is well known from his many scenes of shaking hands with people who are not there after his mouth is done gaffing. Still, he is not usually so candid as to say, “That Biden really is stupid, he really doesn’t know.”
Of course, neither did his audience expect that he would boast that no one has added more to the national debt than he has:
Or maybe he meant to say that Trump is the man he considers his president. So, if he wasn’t talking about his own addition to the debt, Biden must have been endorsing Trump for president. Of course, Biden does like to share the title because it wasn’t long ago he referred to VP Mamala as “President Harris” at a White House talk. Perhaps that was just his way of announcing his decision about running in 2024.
Still, wow! Twenty-five percent of all the debt the nation has accumulated since its history began … all added in a single term. Is it any wonder Republicans booed at Biden’s State of the Onion Address, where he was the most senior president in history, when he claimed he had done more to reduce the deficit than just about anyone; but failed to mention that was only because most of his proposed spending didn’t make it through congress?
Again confusing who is what, the president — who is not his own president — also opened his speech by addressing the Senate Majority Leader as the Minority Leader:
Apparently Democrats let the president’s mind out of its cage, and it never flew back in. It’s probably busy chasing flights of fancy around Chinese weather balloons when its not pooping on the White House furniture or on open boxes of state secrets in the garage.
So, whether Bicycle Biden is making pavement landings or delivering top-secret files in his ‘vette or campaigning from one state to another — the state of confusion to the state of unconsciousness — you can always count on Biden to boast about something interesting with his weird word cabbage like, “I was out beaver hunting back in my Harvard days when … hey, has anyone seen the dog … er, I had a dog once, its name was Trix … no, that was a gal I visited … well, they don’t want me to say that … or Jill doesn’t. Anyway, it’s nice to see you all here.” And to hear him say that to an empty room while someone steers him back toward the door he wandered through so he can deliver his speech where he was supposed to be speaking.
You see, it is not so much that the people Biden brings up are not in the room when he speaks to them, but that Biden, himself, has left the room he’s speaking in.