What kind of inane bullsh*t is this?

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Sense of humor required

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Satans army from his playground

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Demons...all demons...they need to be purged.

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They do not come from centauri. They come from antartica and from underground bases and from the artic.

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Glad to see someone else is keeping up with the boys under the ice.I said a long time ago ,(2016),when Kerry went down there to get his orders,things were going to change for the worse.Steve Quyale has done a lot of research on what's going on down there and has a video and he has also written a book about "The Empire Under The Ice". This is not BS,Admiral Byrd wrote about visiting the inhabitants back during the 40s or 50s,quite by accident. He said he was treated well.

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The author refers to Kerry as a 'Centaurian' which is brilliant. I am going to start referring to these freaks like Harrari, Soros, Schwab, Gates, et al, using that noun. Up to this point I just refer to them as 'off-planet trash.'

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Me ketchup needed to be eliminated with fonda & mc treason since Vietnam. Treasonous traitors

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For the fallen evil does, this is as close to Heaven as they will ever get, and to those Saved in Jesus, this is as close to Hell as we will ever get!

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Their day is coming, and sooner than they would like.

God has given us the power to stop this pure and unadulterated evil!

Jesus is our Strength....God does NOT want Cowards, but Warriors!

Resistance to tyranny is Obedience to God!

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If the author truly believes this, then he would join the few of us who are ignored by informing the people of the U.S. that the Founders placed the "Sword" in our hands to prevent tyranny.

The purpose of the 2nd amendment, as the S. Ct. noted decades ago, was to make sure that "We" maintained our organized, armed, and disciplined Militia that has the constitutional authority "to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections, and repel Invasions."

However, over 90% of the people will do nothing to protect their rights as noted by a former DHS agent whom I heard being interview. Even those in the so-called pro-2nd community refuse to have anything to do with the term militia because they have been re-educated.

This is how this will end; in a whimper because most want nothing to do with performing the Duty to protect themselves and their families, and many will denounce those of us who speak the truth.

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I need to add a note here that I've heard from a couple of sources. The Reptilians have already conquered several systems throughout this galaxy according to one source. The other source claims that the Reptilians came here thousands of years ago.

They have been stopped by others through war who fought against their brutal take over. Now, the Reptilians are employing subtle tactics for their take over. It is up to us to resist, but as I noted above, we won't.

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Do you really believe we're trapped on a spinning, rotating ball corkscrewing through space? That is a prison planet designed to strip you of all common sense and knowledge, to make you think you come from nothing and you're going nowhere. To give you hopelessness that you don't have value.

There are no galaxies and planets millions of miles away. No human can even comprehend when they tell us the sun is 93 million miles away. It's nonsense. They've indoctrinated you since the day you were born to believe you came from monkeys. Is there is land beyond the Arctic? How would we know? They won't let ANYONE explore, except the elites. THAT IS WHERE THE TRUTH IS. PLANETS = PLANE-ETTES, PIECES OF THE PLANE. What would you call a being from extra terra beyond the Artic, an 'extra-terrestrial. Now that makes more sense.

We live on a flat, non-rotating earth created by a loving, living God. You were fearfully and wonderfully made! You have a destiny and a purpose. There are stacks of PROOF the earth is stationary plane. But a ball? ALL STAGED BY NASA, DISNEY'S EXTENSION.

Use the brain God gave you and think. Use your common sense when you look at the horizon, when you look outside an airplane window, when you're on top of a mountain. Ask every pilot you meet if the earth is flat. Study flight paths! Do curvature calculations and get a telescope or telephoto lens... if you care enough... You will be blown away!

And stay FAR away from the flat earth society because they are just the evil control group. You can check out flatearthdave.com

You will be shocked at how many people reject the "hell-io-sin-trick" model!

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Great commentary, North Shore Girl.

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Excellent "satirical" writing...

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Some will ... like the flat-earthers ... think it serious.

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Thank you, Jack.

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I was in navigation in the Navy. We had to do calculations for course changes based on curvature of the Earth.

I don't think that you believe in God at all. You believe in an entity that was defined by people who could not comprehend the Creator on any scale.

I hope your comment was just a joke. It's obvious that God does not work in the manner that those like yourself believe. God created us with the plan that we would learn to rise to His level, not to sink to ours.

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Scientism is merely hiding truth. For exemple, you can hide the flat earth plane by projecting it on a sphere. That projection is called the mercato projection.

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We already know that the unelected shadow government that is really in control of the fraudulently "elected" government is actually causing all of the severe weather events we see lately, through the use of their weather engineering technology that can literally swing the jet streams causing the polar vortex to sweep all the way down to Mexico. This is fact. They want to take the place of God. Manipulating the weather, seeing everything, spying on every Human Being, changing the genetic code of all plants, animals and Humans, culling the Human population at will, and eventually doing it all out in the open with no worries of backlash from the people. These satanic creatures must be destroyed before THEY destroy all life on Earth.

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What a great country we have ! A coward in Viet Nam who nonetheless decorated himself with a Silver Star (wrote up his own glowing recommendation and his witless commanding officer signed it unquestioningly), infuriating his fellow officers so much that they collaborated on interviewing his unit personnel , and wrote the book,"Unfit For Command" when the maggot ran for president, sinking his disgusting aspirations.

Now a successful repeat gigolo ( wealthy widows only need apply), and STILL a US Government fixture.

America The Beautiful.

America The Beautiful.

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I'm dying. 🤣🤣🤣

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The swift boat crews knew him and when he ran for POTUS advised do not vote for him!!!!!

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Jan 21, 2023
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Didn't see your and Nicolas' posts before I reacted with disgust - apologies.

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